Granger Magazine

Articles due dates for Grange magazine

March April Ohio Granger articles are due February 1

May June Ohio Granger articles are due April 1

July August Ohio Granger articles are due June 1

September October Ohio Granger articles are due August 1

November December Ohio Granger articles are due October 1

January February Ohio Granger articles are due December 1

If you submit after these dates the article may not make the magazine because the articles have to be assembled in magazine form, then the magazine gets proof read, after that it goes to the State Office where it is copied and placed in envelopes and postage added. The goal is to have it to Grangers by the first of March, May, July, September, November, January. If you are waiting to verify something in your article please submit it and let me know what is happening and I can change it once I have the article in the Ohio Granger. You will have about 2 weeks from the 1st to submit a change. ——Jim Grafton

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