The Ohio Grange Patrons of Husbandry Foundation

The Ohio Grange Patrons of Husbandry Foundation was formed in 2016 to promote programs for the preservation, interpretation and continuing

lagacy of the Grange. The Foundation will be an advocate for all who believe in agriculture and the needs of rural America through education and

encouraging the American culture, heritage, citizenship by facilitating charitable activities to benefit those in need. The Foundation has been

formed to be a Tax Exempt corporation (501(c)3) under the IRS rules.

The Ohio Grange Patrons of Husbandry Foundation Board of trustees are:

John Price Gary Brumbaugh Mike Miller Lee Darst Kevin Evans Mark Naylor Ryan Patton

Daryl Flowers Cathi Augsburger- Treasurer

About the Foundation

The Ohio Grange Patrons of Husbandry Foundatin was established by the Ohio State Grange in 2016. The Foundation was formed to promote programs for the preservation, interpretation and continuing the legacy of the Grange. The Foundation will be an advocate for all who believe in agriculture and the needs of rural America through education and encouraging the American culture, citizenship by facilitating charitable activities to benefit those in need.

The Foundation is organized and operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 170(c)(2) and Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the regulations thereunder, including, but not limited to, those purposes set forth in the Articles of Incorporation establishing the Ohio Grange Patrons of Husbandry Foundation dated December 30, 2015, with an effective date of January 1, 2016, namely:

The purposes of the Foundation shall be, in general, to engage in charitable, religious, scientific, and educational activities. The Foundation is authorized to carry out the following specific purposes, as well as such others as may from to time appear to its Board of Trustees to be appropriate and consistent with the general purposes of the Foundation, provided that the Foundation shall not engage in any activity which may jeopardize its status as a tax-exempt organization within the meaning of federal tax laws.

To further the goals of the Foundation, the Foundation will operate specifically:

a. To promote educational programs with an emphasis on the agricultural and domestic spheres in order to develop a better and higher manhoood and womanhood among persons engaged in or interested in agriculture or residing in rural communities to enable them to improve their skills, their standard of living, their self respect, and their esteem in the eyes of their fellow citizens;

b.To support and encourage the development of programs for overall community improvement;

c. To promote research in agriculture and economics in order that reliable and useful facts and statistics may be made available to the agricultural community and the public;

d. To foster education, leadership, and self-reliance among the youthful members of the Ohio community by means of scholarships, training programs, and public recognition of worthwhile achievements;

e. To encourage and facilitate charitable activities for the benefit of poor, handicapped, or underprivileged persons;

f. To encourage partnerships with other 501(c)3 organizations to strengthen the future of the Foundation; and

g. To engage in any other lawful activity not otherwise limited by law, or these Bylaws.

The Foundation is a non-profit foundation directed by a Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees has established certain criteria for the determination of recipients of Foundation grants and rules and regulations concerning the payments of grants. All applicants for Foundation grants are required to familiarize themselves with the rules and regulations of the Foundation.

Application Information

Applications for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year is due by April 1, 2025. Applications, along with all required information, are accepted by the Foundation on or before April 1, 2025. Applications received after April 1, 2025 will not be considered. Review of applications takes place in April and the grant recipient will be announced by May 15, 2025.

Educational Grants - Applicants must be either a graduate of a high school located in the state of Ohio or a resident of the state of Ohio at the time of graduation from high school. Residency for this purpose shall be the applicant’s voting residence if of voting age, or, the voting residence of the applicant’s guardian, parents or parent with whom he or she resides. Proof of residency must be furnished upon request.

Educational Grants are made for one year only to applicants who will be full-time students. Grant recipients may apply for educational grants in succeeding grant years and such applications shall be considered along with all other applications for educational grants for that grant year provided the applicant has attained a college academic average of at least 2.75 on a 4.0 scale, or its equivalent where grades are not given on a four-point system.

Application How to Apply

Applications may be obtained on the Foundation’s website,, or by telephoning the Foundation with your request. The telephone number is 740-423-4455.

Applications may be downloaded from this website, but must be received by the Foundation on or before the April 1, 2025 deadline. Completed and signed applications, along with all required information, can be returned by overnight mail, regular mail, in person, or by e-mail. Completed applications, with required information, MUST BE RECEIVED on or before April 1, 2025, or they will not be considered.

Applications may be obtained by written request. The address is provided on the Contact Us page of the website.

Announcements of the grant award will be made by May 15, 2025.

Additional Information for Applicants

Applicant must be in the upper fifty percent of his /her high school graduating class. Applicants who are already attending college and are applying for the first time must supply their high school transcript with class rank and GPS as well as their college transcripts with GPA.

Applicants who are in high school, and applicants in college who have not previously received a grant, must supply a copy of their high school transcript through at least the end of the second nine weeks of their senior year. High school transcripts must contain the applicants’s cumulative GPA and class rank. These applicants must also supply independent verification of their composite ACT or SAT scores if not already stated on the high school transcript.

Applicants must be enrolled as a full time college student. This is twelve credit hours per quarter/semester. Student must enroll at an accredited 2 or 4 year college or university and plan coursework leading to a major and a degree associated with Food, Agriculture, Animal Sciences, Pre-Veterinarian , or Environmental Sciences.

The Foundation does not pay for internships or co-ops.

Grant recipients are required to send grades at the end of each quarter/semester.

The Foundation Trustees may make such amendments and modifications of the rules and regulations pertaining to the selection of grant recipients, the amount of each grant and the payment of grants as they, in their sole and absolute discretion determine.

Rules and Regulations

  1. The Board of Trustees and the Foundation has absolute discretion in selecting recipients of education grants and in determining the amount of said grants. The Foundation Trustees may make such amendments and modifications of the Rules and Regulations pertaining to the selection of grant recipients, the amount of each grant and the payment of grants as they, in their sole and absolute discretion determine.

  2. Applicants must be either a graduate of a high school in the state of Ohio, or a resident of Ohio at the time of graduation from high school. Residency for this purpose shall be the applicant’s voting residence if of voting age, or, the voting residence of the applicant’s guardian, parents or parent with who he or she resides. Proof of residency must be furnished upon request.

  3. Applicant must be of good moral character.

  4. Applicant must be in the upper fifty percent (50%) of his or her high school graduating class or, if applying as a college student, demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Foundation Trustees that he or she has achieved the minimum post-secondary academic standards set for Foundation grant recipients.

  5. Applicant should be recommended for an education grant by the principal, guidance counselor or a responsible faculty member of his or high school or by a faculty advisor at his or her post-secondary school.

  6. Applicant and applicant’s guardian, parents or parent with whom the applicant resides must sign the application form for an educational grant in strict accordance with the instructions for preparing and filing the form. Failure to do so may, at the sole and absolute discretion of the Foundation Trustees, result in the application not being considered by the Foundation Trustees. Applicants will not be notified of incomplete or late-filed applications.

  7. Educational Grants are made for one year only to applicants who will be full-time students. Grant recipients may apply for educational grants in succeeding grant years and such applicants shall be considered along with all other applications for educational grants for that grant year provided the applicant has attained an academic average of at least 2.75 or its equivalent where grades are not given on the four-point system.

  8. When an applicant has been named as a recipient of an educational grant he or she shall, not later than September 1, 2025, in the year of the grant, present to the Foundation Trustees satisfactory evidence of his or her acceptance or continued enrollment at an accredited college or university and plan coursework leading to a major and a degree associated with Food, Agriculture, Animal Sciences, Pre-Veterinarian , or Environmental Sciences. A letter from applicant naming the school, major, and its address is acceptable. Failure to do so will forfeit the educational grant.

  9. Educational grants will be paid directly to the college or university of the grant recipient’s choice and will not be paid to the grant recipient. In the event that a grant recipient receives other financial aid from any source that is payable directly to the grant recipient’s college or university so that the amount remaining due said college or university, is less that the Foundation’s grant, then the Foundation’s grant shall automatically be reduced to the balance due to the grant recipient’s college, or university.

  10. The total amount of the financial aid granted to a recipient shall be divided by the number of quarters or semesters in the grant recipient’s academic or training year and the payment of the grant shall be made to the grant recipient’s school accordingly each quarter or semester.

  11. If a grant recipient is not considered a full-time student by his or her school, he or she shall forfeit his or her educational grant until he or she regains full-time student status during the grant year.

  12. At the end of each grading period of the grant recipent’s school, the grant recipient must present to the Foundation Trustees the report of the college or university of the grant recipient’s academic or training progress. Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of the educational grant.

  13. It is the desire of the Foundation Trustees that the Recipients of educational grants become useful citizens of our nation and those qualities of good taste and refinement in dress and manner possessed by ladies and gentlemen are required of recipients of educational grants.

Frequently Asked Questions

How are the colleges paid?

Educational Grants are paid directly to the college, university, trade or technical school.

The Foundation pays for tuition, fees and on campus housing. Books are paid if they are billed through the university.

Each new grantee must provide the Foundation Trustees satisfactory evidence of enrollment at a college or university no later that September 1,

2025. The Foundation then issues letters to the college or university listing the Foundation grantees and grant amounts for the upcoming

academic year. The college or university then invoices the Foundation for each semester/quarter for each grantee. The Foundation pays only

invoices submitted from colleges or universities. Invoices submitted by grantees will not be considered.

Must current grant recipients reapply each year?

Grants are for one academic year only. Recipients must reapply each year.

If I only attend two quarters of a three quarter academic year, will the grant be divided between the two quarters attended?

No. The grants are divided amoung the quarters/semesters for the entire academic grant year. If a quarter/semester is skipped or the

recipient enrolls in less that 12 credit hours, the grant will not be paid for that quarter/semester. However, if during the grant academic year, a

quarter/semester is missed and a balance remains of the grant, the summer quarter/semester may be funded if the full time criteria is met.

What is an academic grant year?

An academic grant year runs from the fall quarter/semester through the spring quarter/semester.

If I did not get a grant this academic year, may I apply next year?

Yes, the grants are for one academic year only. Whether you are a new applicant or a renewing applicant, you must reapply each academic year.

The grants are never automatically renewed. The grant application may be obtained as stated in HOW TO APPLY.

Is there an age limit on the applicant?

No. Anyone may apply for the Foundation Grant provided the application criteria is met, i.e. the 2.75 GPA, top fifty per cent of high school

graduating class (no matter how old you are when you apply) and a resident of the state of Ohio. See ABOUT THE FOUNDATION and


What is the usual amount of an individual grant?

The Foundation Trustees have approved the awarding of two $1,000 grants. The grant amounts vary on the amount of need of each applicant.

The amount of each grant is solely determined by the Foundation Trustees. Individual grantee needs vary on the college or university attended,

family contributions and other financial aid received.

What does the Foundation consider as an “independent” applicant?

You are considered an independent student if you are age 25 or more or are married and you were not claimed as an exemption on your parents’

most recent federal income tax return.

Contact Us

The Ohio Grange Patrons of Husbandry Foundation may be contacted in writing to:

The Ohio Grange Patrons of Husbandry Foundation

Ohio State Grange

16303 Village Parkway

Fredericktown, Ohio 43019-9585

May also be contacted by telephoning 740-243-4455. We have a twenty-four hour voice message service.

May also be contacted by e-mail:

The Ohio Grange Patrons of Husbandry Foundation physical location is at the offices of:

Ohio State Grange

16303 Village Parkway

Fredericktown, Ohio 43019-9585


The Foundation needs contributions to continue all of the programs that it would like to fund. If you are interested in preserving the legacy of the Grange please consider a donation to the Foundation, which is tax deductible. We will be glad to work with individuals in their estate planning to help fund the Foundation. We are also interested in receiving donations from Corporations with the desire to see the Grange heritage live on. Send your donations to:

The Ohio Grange Patrons of Husbandry Foundation

In care of Cathi Augsburger, Treasurer

6112 Ada Road

Lima, Ohio 45801-9714